Wednesday, August 12, 2015


I just have to write this down and get it out. Somewhere. Even if no one ever reads it.

I apologize for being the sort of person I am. I'm sorry if I'm not changing as quickly as you'd want me to. I'm stubborn and it takes me a lot of time to learn and change. I'm really sorry about that.

I'm sorry if I'm not the kind of partner you've fantasized about. The one who do grand romantic gestures, humiliation  be damned. I am a self-conscious, introverted man. I'm not comfortable standing up in the crowd and being the center of attention.

I'm sorry if I'm reasonable and practical, not wildly romantic and ideal. I cannot afford grand gestures of extravagance. I can only afford simple trinkets and tokens. I cannot take you on some exotic adventure. I'm sorry.

I work. And slave. And save every morsel I can so I can give you a comfortable life in the future. I sincerely apologize if, because of this, I cannot give you beautiful gifts now.

I hope one day you'll appreciate that. And realize that there was some modicum of sense in what I did. But for now, I hope my apologies will suffice.

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