Friday, April 01, 2005

Turn around, every now and then I get a little bit nervous

Nostalgia, it is defined as a bittersweet longing for something long gone, a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition.

Last night was Graduation, I sat amidst all the people that I love, who have changed my life, and my outlook on it, and for that, I thank them all.

Graduation gave me a sense of accomplishment, I learned that all those sleepless nights and days of hard labor were not wasted (also because this was my first). I was happy, i finished highschool, i had bragging rights as they would say, but then again, with finishing highschool meant leaving friends.

They declared us graduates, I knew that was it, it was probably the last time i would see my friends and batchmates ever again.

I got to tell her last night and that was enough to make me happy.

Thank you JASMS, thank you Seniors for changing my life. I would never ever forget that once in my life, i met all of you

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